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  • 9/25/23

    Let's be more like whales and spiders...

    We are nature, yet we have stopped behaving like the rest of the natural world by leaving mountains of waste behind us. In this video, Dorothée highlights that by starting to teach children as young as 3 year old to think in circular and regenerative ways, we have a fighting chance at thriving within the limits of our planet. What do whales and spider have to do with it? Well, listen up!

  • ACERE Presentation Cover Page for Website.jpg
    • 10/30/21

    How might schools support the growth of circular innovators and entrepreneurs?

    Solving the complex problems of today and tomorrow requires us to think differently because as Albert Einstein famously put it: "we cannot solve problems with the same thinking we used when we created them". We need a whole lot more circular and regenerative innovators and entrepreneurs and schools and educators have an important role to play in shaping circular and regenerative mindsets.